SKIESLearn Interactive Lessons
This project was built on a school-wide interactive learning platform, SKIESLearn. I have created lessons that teach students character analysis, plot, and art. Each slide is either a reference, which presents information, or a worksheet, where students are prompted to add responses and interact with the material. Another feature allows students to share their work and learn from one another. The platform gives students’ a choice between typing their responses and recording their voices, which makes this lesson plan accessible for students with different learning styles. The program also tracks students’ progress, making grading efficient and precise, so students can receive constructive feedback in a timely manner.
Art Integration with Poetry Elements
Reference Card
Lesson 1: Teacher came up with the set of words for students to review elements in poetry and for students to use in their art project. Students have the option to either select-n-copy the vocabulary or type-out the terms into the word-art generator site. This enrichment activity integrates Art and ELA while reviewing Tier 2 vocabulary list from the textbook.
Halloween theme_October
Assignment Card
Student Work: Students will copy the link into a different Chrome tab to generate their own word art. After loading the site, they will copy the list of words from the reference card into the generator. Once they have chosen their desired shape and font in accordance to theme, students will upload their work to this card.
Halloween theme_October
Bonus Assignment Card
Student work: Students are challenged to make multiple more than one. For every additional work, they post under this card.
Reference Card
Lesson 2: Students identify and share aloud a vocabulary term (key phrases, title of poetry, or poet) that they have learned thus far from the poetry unit, and the teacher notes on the GoogleDoc. Once every student has shared, students have the option to either select-n-copy the vocabulary or type-out the terms into the word-art generator site. This enrichment activity allows students to review Tier 2 vocabulary while following instructions that they are familiar with.
Fall theme_November
Assignment Card
Student Work: Students will copy the link into a different Chrome tab to generate their own word art. After loading the site, they will copy the list of words from the reference card into the generator. Once they have chosen their desired shape and font in accordance to theme, students will upload their work to this card.
Fall theme_November.
Bonus Assignment Card
Student work: Students are challenged to make multiple more than one. For every additional work, they post under this card.
Fall theme_November
Sequencing Plot
Learning Check-in Card
Informative Assessment: Teacher assess students of what they already know about thisTier 3 vocabulary from previous lesson. Students have the option to type up, draw, or record a video for their responses.
Whole Group Instruction
Learning Check-in Card
Informative Assessment: Teacher assess students of what they already know of thisTier 3 vocabulary from previous lesson. Students pick the answer from the four options and draw their interpretation of this key term. The SKIESLearn platform allows the teacher to see the ratio of student accuracy and determine the depth of reviewing this vocabulary.
Whole Group Instruction
Follow-up Activity Card
Student Work: Students sequence plot points from the chapter “The Diagnosis (Part 2)” into a timeline, by copying event strips from the reference card.
Independent Practice
Reference Card
Students refer to this card for the event strips to complete their sequencing assignment. Once students click this card, the card opens the link to a PDF file in another Chrome tab.
Independent Practice
Self-Assess Card
Exit Ticket: Students rate their own learning progress on the scale from one to five. One means “I am confused and frustrated.” Two means “I look for clues everywhere and have ask the teacher questions, but I am still lost.” Three means “I understand how to do the activity, but I need to look for the answer or ask the teacher to complete the activity.” Four means “I need time to process information, but I think I know how to do the activity.” Five means “I did the activity easily.”
Independent Practice
Interpreting the Plot
Instruction Above All Cards
Small Group Instruction: This view shows the instructions for students to refer to when they are at the designated station.
At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher gives a verbal instruction of each activity and corresponding cards from SKIESLearn of the four stations. Station 1 is assessing students’ background knowledge. Station 2 is where the teacher gives small group instruction. Station 3 is where students integrate their interpreting of plot with reviewing character analysis. Station 4 is review game. Each station has five to six students. Students will be at one station for fifteen minutes before rotating until all students have received the small group instruction from the teacher.
Learning Check-in Card
Informative Assessment: Teacher assess students of what they already know about thisTier 3 vocabulary from previous lesson. Students have the option to type up, draw, or record a video for their responses.
Station 1
Learning Check-in Card
Informative Assessment: Teacher assess students of what they already know of thisTier 3 vocabulary from previous lesson. Students pick the answer from the four options and draw their interpretation of this key term. The SKIESLearn platform allows the teacher to see the ratio of student accuracy and determine the depth of reviewing this vocabulary.
Station 1
Reference Card
This anchor chart from the character profile without words acts as a scaffold for character analysis.
Station 1
Learning Check-in Card
Informative Assessment: Teacher assess students of what they already know of character analysis from previous lesson. Students recall the four categories of the character profile chart and type their responses to annotate the worksheet. The SKIESLearn platform allows the teacher to see the ratio of student accuracy and determine the depth of reviewing this vocabulary.
Station 1
Learning Check-in Card
For every student at this station, there is a bag that contains five physical cards about plot line out of order: Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution. Students task to sequence the Tier 3 vocabularies in order based on what their background knowledge and take a picture of their work. This card, however, had no responses.
Station 1
Self-Assess Card
Exit Ticket: Students rate their own learning progress on the scale from one to five. One means “I am confused and frustrated.” Two means “I look for clues everywhere and have ask the teacher questions, but I am still lost.” Three means “I understand how to do the activity, but I need to look for the answer or ask the teacher to complete the activity.” Four means “I need time to process information, but I think I know how to do the activity.” Five means “I did the activity easily.”
Station 1
Reference Card
Scaffold: Teacher provide a list of sentence frames as a scaffold for struggling readers and English learners to use when creating their own interpretation of the plot. Teacher challenge the advance learners to come up with their own sentence structure. Student choose one sentence frame to complete and write the entire sentence on a physical worksheet. At this station, the teacher works in a small group of five or six students for fifteen minutes per rotation.
Station 2
Reference Card
Scaffold: Teacher provide a list of prompts in question format to support students’ interpretation of the plot from Small Steps: The Year I Got Polio, the story from the textbook of the narrative unit. Student draws a box around the set of prompts, by annotating on the digital worksheet.
Station 2
Assignment Card
Student Work: After students finish writing their plot twist sentence on the physical worksheet, they draw their interpretation of beginning, middle, and end in a comic strip. Once they finish writing and drawing, students take a picture of their physical worksheet (front) from the camera of their Chromebook and post under this card. Teacher can give feedback by annotating directly onto each student’s response, and students can access these feedbacks beyond this lesson inside or outside the classroom.
Station 2
Assignment Card
Student Work: Students rewrite their plot twist sentence on the physical worksheet, they analyze their characters of their plot twist in a character profile, comparing from the textbook version and the plot-twist version. Once they finish writing, students take a picture of their physical worksheet (back) from the camera of their Chromebook and post under this card. Teacher can give feedback by annotating directly onto each student’s response, and students can access these feedbacks beyond this lesson inside or outside the classroom.
Station 3
Self-Assess Card
Exit Ticket: Students rate their own learning progress on the scale from one to five. One means “I am confused and frustrated.” Two means “I look for clues everywhere and have ask the teacher questions, but I am still lost.” Three means “I understand how to do the activity, but I need to look for the answer or ask the teacher to complete the activity.” Four means “I need time to process information, but I think I know how to do the activity.” Five means “I did the activity easily.”
Station 3
Enrichment Activity Card
Review Game: At this station, the students play the “Who Am I?” game with a bag of prompt cards of different characters from the story Small Steps: the Day I Got Polio. One student takes a prompt card from this bag and reads the prompt, while the rest of group guess who the character is. Once the other students from this group got the answer, the student who read the prompt will take a picture of their prompt card and post under this card in SKIESLearn. Then, the next student picks. This continues until all students from this group has a chance to read the card or the 15-minute timer goes off.
Station 4